Reference Projects

Vienna cooperative realizes subsidized housing project with Planfred.

Over the course of the SMART CITY VIENNA initiative “In der Wiesen”, the central theme of community gardening, or “urban gardening”, has been examined more closely and implemented together with future residents.

The design of the open area, social sustainability, and the development of the building typology result in a verdant residential landscape, where the availability of green spaces provides specific added value to the entire neighbourhood.

Because the Wiesen is a subsidised housing project, PLANFRED was the ideal selection as a plan management solution in relation to cost efficiency and deadline fidelity. Right from the start of the project during training, PLANFRED was attractive thanks to its simple handling, which is also when we heard a SUPERBLOCK employee exclaim “Planfred is super!”.

Project data:

Planfred reference project “In der Wiesen Ost” by SUPERBLOCK

*) Participants in the Planfred project

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