That was 2023: A successful year for PLANFRED and its users!
Over the last twelve months, we have added many practical functions to our PLANRED project space, making it even easier to use. A big thank you goes above all to the users who have actively contributed to further development with their constructive feedback.
New in the web application (browser)
Due date for approval system
Expansion of the notification function (e-mail notifier)
Direct image processing for tasks
Automatically update multiple plans
Batch processing for plan reviews
Expansion of the activity filter to include participants and roles
New in the mobile app (iOS, Android)
Optimization of the navigation
Create projects
Invite and import participants
Filter and sort function for participants
Text blocks as templates
E-mail reports
The e-mail notifications have been expanded and the setting options extended:
Report – Tasks: Daily information about new, changed and completed tasks
Report – Weekly start: Weekly reminder of all open plan and document checks and open tasks
Report – Plan and document checks
Report – Deadlines: Overdue plan and document checks and those due in the next 3 days
When redesigning the website, the focus was on helping new and existing users.
Complete overhaul of the website (logo, design and technology)
Help and instructions completely revised and expanded
Content expanded to include "PLANFRED Tasks"
Customer growth
We are pleased to have a steadily growing customer base. In 2023, we were able to deepen existing customer relationships as well as establish new partnerships in the construction and real estate industry. PLANFRED has helped to facilitate the work of our users and increase efficiency.
The past year also marked our entry into international markets. We have successfully opened in the USA and are proud to offer PLANFRED including Prime support worldwide.
Thank You!
We would like to thank our customers, partners and employees for their support and commitment. Together we will continue to achieve great things in the future. Let's go into 2024, we are looking forward to it : )